Thursday, 10 July 2014

Oil Pulling - The New Craze!

As just written in my last post, coconut oil is the bomb and last night I tried oil pulling with it! Put a tablespoon of oil into your mouth in the morning time and swish for around 20 minutes. At first you might only last ten minutes but that's ok as it will take time for you to get used to it! Now don't get me wrong I nearly threw up when I put the big lump of oil in my mouth, but once it started to melt it was actually ok!

Just kept swishing about with the oil while I cleansed and my face..... cleaned up my room a bit while J watched the Holland v's Argentina world cup match (seriously!!! getting tired of it.... I know Ireland didn't make and yes of course I then started supporting France, but i'm mucho bored of it now - give me back my baba!)... rant over :D

So yeah, didn't even notice after awhile and don't be afraid of the taste because it's very mild.
Here is the website that I found some nice facts and experience of oil pulling on; Account of Oil Pulling
If you could do this two or three times a week, you'd see the benefits!  I'm going to start doing it when I shower in the morning time and then you brush your teeth as normal afterwards. Three people I know, two girls at work and my sister are already doing it!

Hello you lovely healthy teeth, gums and good bacteria - bye bye dirty nasty mouthwashes!

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