Hi tooty fruities,
After using bread soda (not baking soda - whole different product) during my one month shampoo detox - I began making my own shampoo. Yes it turned out quite well but from a time consumption perspective, I've sourced a good natural, non-toxic shampoo for the moment until I get better at my DIY shampoo.
Bread soda is very good don't get me wrong but unfortunately in line with trying things natural I tried out an avocado/mayonnaise conditioner one day during this detox.
Well, let's just say you're only supposed to put a dab on your hair, brush it through and wrap it in a towel for twenty minutes.
Dee decides to put the whole bowl on my head and leave for forty minutes (didn't read the guidelines carefully). As you could imagine I looked like that creep from Circle of Friends..... you know that greasy guy Sean Walsh that was infatuated with Benny? Exhibits below;
Ughhhh it was a disaster! I had finally gotten to a stage where my hair was beginning to relax it's sebum production and this happens!
Yep, I spent the bones of two weeks trying to get the oil out of my hair but it was no easy task. So I decided to pick up a nice bottle of shampoo from Here's Health.
Very nice shampoo and conditioner - they have plenty to choose from however I'm in love with Lavender and it gives my hair a lovely shine.
This company is called Faith in Nature and I paid €7.75 for each, shampoo and conditioner, which I think is very good considering other products are more expensive i.e. John Frieda etc - and the ingredients are totally clean. Believe me, I'm not going to recommend something that (as a lot of companies do) is completely misleading on the front of the product and dirty on the back. Oh "100% Organic and Natural" and then you find there is Phylates, Parabens and all sorts to make the product.
I've done my research and the shampoo has the following ingredients;
All the products are derived from vegetables and natural oils.
I've also made sure with my app and checked one or two that looked quite dodgy but turned out were clean.
List of ingredients I didn't like the look of;
Ammonium laureth sulfate
Potassium Sorbate
Sodium benzoate
Citric Acid
And here are my findings;
So I'm very happy to be using these at the moment and know that they are safe which is great for peace of mind. It's just all about finding out ways to keep you informed and it doesn't have to be a headache.
My quest is to prove that going clean doesn't have to mean you pay more and it doesn't mean you have to look like Sean Walsh!
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
An email from my great friend in Australia
Who I adore and spent a few months with her in Airlie Beach, Queensland. She is totally amazing and also loves all things natural! Very cool post and just goes to show that we need to calm things down a bit and go back to the simple ways of life.....
This is a recent Facebook post from Michael Moore, the inspiring documentary maker (Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 etc). I thought this was a really powerful message, particularly for young people who are caught up in body image etc, to simplify and just enjoy life!
B xx
I am now in Week 42 of my walks. Each day, 30 minutes, that's it. Thousands of you have joined me since that Sunday night on March 18 when, as a joke, I said I was going for a walk. I had read that morning in the paper that there were now more people in the U.S. on anti-depressants than those who go to the movies. I tweeted out that maybe that's the problem -- perhaps if people got out and went to... the movies more they might feel better. This unleashed a lively conversation about mood-altering drugs, the lousy movies these days in theaters, the rip-off prices for 3D films, etc. Finally, someone wrote: "Sometimes I think what I need is just a brisk walk." I tweeted, "Hey, there's an idea! I'm putting my shoes on right now." I went out and came back home after 30 minutes -- and a few hundred of you had amazingly joined me where you live. So I went walking the next night, probably out of some sort of obligation because so many had written to say "please let's do it again tonight!" So I did. And the night after that. By the end of the week it was hard to determine how many thousands were now going out with me on these "virtual walks" in hundreds of cities and towns, but it had taken off like a rocket and so we all went walking every night from that point on.
Now it's 250 days later. What a simple, great idea that person had! Some have asked, "Why are we walking?" "What's the cause?" There is no cause other than to go for a walk. We do it just because it feels good. We do it because we can. We do it because it's free and it takes no time. All you need to know is how to put one foot in front of the other (or, for the disabled who've joined in, by any means necessary). It's the perfect slacker/schlub activity.
I am often asked "How much weight have you lost from all this walking?" For a while I didn't understand the question. I mean, why would I want to lose anything? I have enough trouble finding my keys! Then I got it -- skinny people (1/3 of the country) want us, the majority, to be like them. That's so nice of them.
But the truth is, exercise does not work, diets do not work, feeling crummy does not work. Nothing works. My advice: Quit trying to be something you're not, be happy with the life you've been given, and just go for a pleasant walk outside. With me. Wherever you are. Get off the treadmill, stop drinking diet Coke, throw out all the rules. It's all a scam and it conspires to keep you miserable. If it says "low-fat" or "sugar-free" or "just 100 calories!" throw it out. Remember, one of the main tenets of capitalism is to have the consumer filled with fear, insecurity, envy and unhappiness so that we can spend, spend, spend our way out of it and, dammit, just feel better for a little while. But we don't, do we? The path to happiness - and deep down, we all know this -- is created by love, and being kind to oneself, sharing a sense of community with others, becoming a participant instead of a spectator, and being in motion. Moving. Moving around all day. Lifting things, even if it's yourself. Going for a walk every day will change your thinking and have a ripple effect. You'll find yourself only eating when you're truly hungry. And if you're not hungry, go clean your room, or have sex, or call a friend on the phone. Without knowing it, you'll starting eating like the French (there is no French word for "fast-food") -- and you will feel better. You do not feel better admonishing yourself or beating yourself up or setting up a bunch of unrealistic rules and goals with all the do's and dont's that are just begging to be broken. You wanna know something? I eat ice cream every friggin' day. I drink a regular Coke every single day. I put butter on things. But I also walk every day. Some days now, I walk twice. And now I've started to do some push-ups and lifting stuff. It's building muscle, and in doing so, has created an extra furnace to burn stuff and create energy. Weird! That, in turn, makes me sleep 7-8 hours a night which is another game-changer. And all the walking and lifting makes me thirsty, so that makes me drink more water -- another huge plus!
So, you can see from the photo of me up in the box that something has changed. I have no idea how much weight I've lost and I don't care. I don't care about that or diets or home gym equipment or rules about what I can or cannot eat or anything other than making sure I go on my walk today. That's it. That's the big secret. It costs nothing. I feel great. I can see my feet! There they are! Hello, feet! Wanna go for a walk? The feet say YES! Ask yours right now. And if you want, join me. But do NOT go on that walk with me if you are doing so to "get fit", "be healthy", or "lose weight". You are fine just the way you are. Only walk outside with me right now because you know it might just feel good, because it's a beautiful day, or someone is joining in with you, the fresh air is invigorating, you have to drive down to the drug store but you realize you can walk there, or simply because it's just nice to be alive for one more day. Walk to walk and nothing else -- and the other stuff will take care of itself.
I'm heading outside in an hour. Join me. And let me know how it went!
Now it's 250 days later. What a simple, great idea that person had! Some have asked, "Why are we walking?" "What's the cause?" There is no cause other than to go for a walk. We do it just because it feels good. We do it because we can. We do it because it's free and it takes no time. All you need to know is how to put one foot in front of the other (or, for the disabled who've joined in, by any means necessary). It's the perfect slacker/schlub activity.
I am often asked "How much weight have you lost from all this walking?" For a while I didn't understand the question. I mean, why would I want to lose anything? I have enough trouble finding my keys! Then I got it -- skinny people (1/3 of the country) want us, the majority, to be like them. That's so nice of them.
But the truth is, exercise does not work, diets do not work, feeling crummy does not work. Nothing works. My advice: Quit trying to be something you're not, be happy with the life you've been given, and just go for a pleasant walk outside. With me. Wherever you are. Get off the treadmill, stop drinking diet Coke, throw out all the rules. It's all a scam and it conspires to keep you miserable. If it says "low-fat" or "sugar-free" or "just 100 calories!" throw it out. Remember, one of the main tenets of capitalism is to have the consumer filled with fear, insecurity, envy and unhappiness so that we can spend, spend, spend our way out of it and, dammit, just feel better for a little while. But we don't, do we? The path to happiness - and deep down, we all know this -- is created by love, and being kind to oneself, sharing a sense of community with others, becoming a participant instead of a spectator, and being in motion. Moving. Moving around all day. Lifting things, even if it's yourself. Going for a walk every day will change your thinking and have a ripple effect. You'll find yourself only eating when you're truly hungry. And if you're not hungry, go clean your room, or have sex, or call a friend on the phone. Without knowing it, you'll starting eating like the French (there is no French word for "fast-food") -- and you will feel better. You do not feel better admonishing yourself or beating yourself up or setting up a bunch of unrealistic rules and goals with all the do's and dont's that are just begging to be broken. You wanna know something? I eat ice cream every friggin' day. I drink a regular Coke every single day. I put butter on things. But I also walk every day. Some days now, I walk twice. And now I've started to do some push-ups and lifting stuff. It's building muscle, and in doing so, has created an extra furnace to burn stuff and create energy. Weird! That, in turn, makes me sleep 7-8 hours a night which is another game-changer. And all the walking and lifting makes me thirsty, so that makes me drink more water -- another huge plus!
So, you can see from the photo of me up in the box that something has changed. I have no idea how much weight I've lost and I don't care. I don't care about that or diets or home gym equipment or rules about what I can or cannot eat or anything other than making sure I go on my walk today. That's it. That's the big secret. It costs nothing. I feel great. I can see my feet! There they are! Hello, feet! Wanna go for a walk? The feet say YES! Ask yours right now. And if you want, join me. But do NOT go on that walk with me if you are doing so to "get fit", "be healthy", or "lose weight". You are fine just the way you are. Only walk outside with me right now because you know it might just feel good, because it's a beautiful day, or someone is joining in with you, the fresh air is invigorating, you have to drive down to the drug store but you realize you can walk there, or simply because it's just nice to be alive for one more day. Walk to walk and nothing else -- and the other stuff will take care of itself.
I'm heading outside in an hour. Join me. And let me know how it went!
Treat yourself......
Be it guys or girls we excel at berating ourselves sometimes and it's not cool for our well-being. I suppose turning 31 this year and learning about different areas in life you just start to see things differently. In my twenties I've spent most of it in a sambuca haze and just didn't question anything and just went with the flow.
But as you push on and think about the future you want to keep yourself aware about things and not just go "Yep, I'll buy this and I'll buy that!" without giving it a second thought! Trust me I was a professional at impulse buying in every sense of the word. Impulsive spending and impulsive unquestioning.
I put so much confidence that those products are going to make you believe that they will transform you and add value to your life but you can also find without them, they really don't make much difference.
I bought this cellulite "new technology" jar about a year ago and my house mate Lainey was just breaking her ass laughing at me for buying it! But I was utterly convinced that this bottle was going to change my life!
I saw the ad before the "Dublin Housewives" (I know, I was going through a vulnerable time cos J didn't have SKY at the time in his place!) and it was advertising this new "crackle" technology. I'm not joking "crackle"....
Yeah so I whizzed around trying to find this bottle that was going to turn my life, my thighs and bum bum around! I even asked the girl in Sam McCauley's to order it from Dublin for me! And paid something like €25 for it! arrghhhhhhhhhh
It claims it will eradicate cellulite by 70% in three weeks - ah but what happens after the sixth or seventh week?? Oh yeah you have to buy another bottle! Good one!
So the crackling began and Lainey's cackling at me hahaah - yep it was the strangest thing and it actually was like popping on my skin - never again. It certainly reduced the "appearance" of it but didn't treat my cellulite! It was just brushing it under the carpet (my skin) for a couple of weeks. I still have the bottle at home and just realised that I was sucked in because I amongst most people are a marketers dream :(
Not any more my beauties, not any more! From now on, in order to get rid of my cellulite, I'm just going to have to do it the natural way by drinking lemon and hot water in the morning, swopping out my tea for green tea one or twice a day and focusing on exercises that tone those areas!
I'm telling you, once you start getting back to basics you start to feel really relaxed, in control and focused.
It's such a rush knowing that we really do not need these things but are brainwashed to think we do.
I can't tell you how cool my bathroom looks at the moment - it's so clean and we only have just the essentials in the bath because everything else is downstairs in my fridge or kitchen cabinets.
Next stop - my homemade, non-toxic recipes to help you guys out to calm the cacks on this materialistic world and you'll get some kick out of making your own beauty products! I'm also going to give you some tips on products that I am now using, instead of the high-brand lines on the market.
Be it guys or girls we excel at berating ourselves sometimes and it's not cool for our well-being. I suppose turning 31 this year and learning about different areas in life you just start to see things differently. In my twenties I've spent most of it in a sambuca haze and just didn't question anything and just went with the flow.
But as you push on and think about the future you want to keep yourself aware about things and not just go "Yep, I'll buy this and I'll buy that!" without giving it a second thought! Trust me I was a professional at impulse buying in every sense of the word. Impulsive spending and impulsive unquestioning.
I put so much confidence that those products are going to make you believe that they will transform you and add value to your life but you can also find without them, they really don't make much difference.
I bought this cellulite "new technology" jar about a year ago and my house mate Lainey was just breaking her ass laughing at me for buying it! But I was utterly convinced that this bottle was going to change my life!
I saw the ad before the "Dublin Housewives" (I know, I was going through a vulnerable time cos J didn't have SKY at the time in his place!) and it was advertising this new "crackle" technology. I'm not joking "crackle"....
Yeah so I whizzed around trying to find this bottle that was going to turn my life, my thighs and bum bum around! I even asked the girl in Sam McCauley's to order it from Dublin for me! And paid something like €25 for it! arrghhhhhhhhhh
It claims it will eradicate cellulite by 70% in three weeks - ah but what happens after the sixth or seventh week?? Oh yeah you have to buy another bottle! Good one!
So the crackling began and Lainey's cackling at me hahaah - yep it was the strangest thing and it actually was like popping on my skin - never again. It certainly reduced the "appearance" of it but didn't treat my cellulite! It was just brushing it under the carpet (my skin) for a couple of weeks. I still have the bottle at home and just realised that I was sucked in because I amongst most people are a marketers dream :(
Not any more my beauties, not any more! From now on, in order to get rid of my cellulite, I'm just going to have to do it the natural way by drinking lemon and hot water in the morning, swopping out my tea for green tea one or twice a day and focusing on exercises that tone those areas!
I'm telling you, once you start getting back to basics you start to feel really relaxed, in control and focused.
It's such a rush knowing that we really do not need these things but are brainwashed to think we do.
I can't tell you how cool my bathroom looks at the moment - it's so clean and we only have just the essentials in the bath because everything else is downstairs in my fridge or kitchen cabinets.
Next stop - my homemade, non-toxic recipes to help you guys out to calm the cacks on this materialistic world and you'll get some kick out of making your own beauty products! I'm also going to give you some tips on products that I am now using, instead of the high-brand lines on the market.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Let’s talk about tan baby, let’s talk about you and me
Let’s talk about all the good and the bad things that can be let’s talk about tan!
Oh yeah, a big one for us Irish girls, a big one! My God the amount of photographs that I have of my teenage years using Sun Shimmer Instant tan for a night out and then going in to Centra after FX club for a hot chicken roll and looking down at my legs in horror!!! Like strips of drink spillages all over my little legs and sure all I wanted was to look tanned ; /
Ughhhhh! Our quest for the sunkissed look not only makes the hotter countries laugh but also men laugh too. The majority of men hate tan and can’t understand why we feel the need to have it! They hate the smell and the fake look of it.
I got a spray tan as I was a bridesmaid at wedding recently and I looked like an oompa loompa!
Yikes! Orange much?!
I think it’s again about marketing campaigns and how it will make us look thinner! Well I’ll tell you now – no amount of tan will mistake my love-handles from popping out of my bikini! Just plain simple exercise will do that. Now I do like to have a little tan on my legs because compared to my top half these can look bawny! I think Tan Organic is an amazing Irish company and we should be supporting it more. Yes it does give a natural glow but that’s all it should be! Nothing more than that.
See Tan Organic's account of the chemicals currently being added to most tans on the market at the moment:
The quest for a ”safe” tan is not a new one. Ever since the link between skin cancer and sun over-exposure was established, not to mention the aging effects, those of us seeking the brown without the burn have often turned to self-tanners. Shocking medical discoveries show that 60% of what you put on your skin is in-fact absorbed into the body. Many faux tanners contain hundreds of chemicals, parabens and fragrances, so not only are these nasty chemicals drying out and ageing your skin but they are also getting into your blood system. Scary thought. Organic tanning solutions have developed a way of giving the skin a beautiful glow without feeling like your rubbed a science experiment all over your body. With the use of wonderful natural ingredients such as aloe vera, caramel, beetroot and sugar, TanOrganic have developed a 100% natural and organic tanning solution that has passed all the ECOCERT standards. Containing 84% aloe vera, TanOrganic has address all the issues faux tanners had in the past and injected a skin nourishing anti-ageing treatment into the tanning bottle. Now the only Ecocertified sunless tan in the world, this wonder tanning brand has changed the fashion of faux tanning once again and leads the industry towards the organic way of things.
But what I would like to go through are some people that I look up to and think are just so amazing and natural and don’t need any tan and still look good! They prove to us that we don’t need it and more importantly we shouldn't be using it all the time….. fair enough if you want a pick-me-up for a wedding or something! But not all the time.
Even on her wedding day Jessica Biel was just so stunning and so natural! If it's good enough for Justin Timberlake it must mean something eh!?
Let’s call a spade a spade, we are not supposed to be MAHOGANY.
Oil Pulling - The New Craze!
As just written in my last post, coconut oil is the bomb and last night I tried oil pulling with it! Put a tablespoon of oil into your mouth in the morning time and swish for around 20 minutes. At first you might only last ten minutes but that's ok as it will take time for you to get used to it! Now don't get me wrong I nearly threw up when I put the big lump of oil in my mouth, but once it started to melt it was actually ok!
Just kept swishing about with the oil while I cleansed and my face..... cleaned up my room a bit while J watched the Holland v's Argentina world cup match (seriously!!! getting tired of it.... I know Ireland didn't make and yes of course I then started supporting France, but i'm mucho bored of it now - give me back my baba!)... rant over :D
So yeah, didn't even notice after awhile and don't be afraid of the taste because it's very mild.
Here is the website that I found some nice facts and experience of oil pulling on; Account of Oil Pulling
If you could do this two or three times a week, you'd see the benefits! I'm going to start doing it when I shower in the morning time and then you brush your teeth as normal afterwards. Three people I know, two girls at work and my sister are already doing it!
Hello you lovely healthy teeth, gums and good bacteria - bye bye dirty nasty mouthwashes!
Benefits of using coconut oil
Ok so to begin with my new healthier choices, my first stop was Coconut Oil thanks to my sisters advice (who used it religiously when pregnant) but also from my favourite Wellness Mama all the way from Kentucky, USA! Who knew a lovely lady in Kentucky could reach out to a little lady like me in Cork, Ireland to help me with my new found love for green ways.
I can't advocate her enough and her tips. Mama's 101 Coconut Benefits - you have to check this out! Amazing facts on this oil.
So I started off by purchasing my Coconut Oil in Holland and Barrett's in Mahon Point for around €25 but can buy at special offers for around €18!
But well worth it as it's a pure brand and I look for glass containers now rather than plastic. You can get cheaper versions in Tesco for around €10/€12 less but the oil is stored in plastic which I'm not a fan due to the BPA risks. BPA Facts Explained
And put your saavy hat on now again and think of the extra benefits of buying this jar - you can re-use it for more storage like i.e. your extra hairspray liquid or food storage! Think outside the box my beauties and you'll reap the rewards.
This is the brand that I go for and it's a good size - this is lasting me a good two months! AND that's with my favourite French man using it for his hair gel! Oh yeah, I am not messing about - I've even converted him to using it!
Hilarious story, his pal stayed over at our place last week and yes my bf likes to take the piss out of me for my new lifestyle but he was actually advocating the coconut oil to his friend! I couldn't believe it - I'm actually making a difference in his lifestyle too and he's seeing the benefits. Wowza.... :D
So he came home one day last week and told me that JB had used the coconut oil and I quote "Yeah he really liked it and he said it wasn't greasy and was very lightweight! And I said yeah man, and there's no chemicals in it!!!" ahahahahahah - they sounded like a pack of woman's knickers but I don't care - they're being healthy yippppppeeeeee.
The reason why I asked him to try the oil on his hair was because I had a quick glance at his L'Oreal Fibre Putty jar and did not like the contents;
Just a few highlighted that are known baddies and the EWG (Environmental Working Group) can back this information up. Anyhow it's just about switching things up where possible and finding out that they work and you're actually saving yourselves money overall and more importantly looking after your bodies.
Area's that I use coconut oil in my daily routine:
With all the above points, I have thrown out my Bioderma Cleansing Water, body lotions (Cocoa Butter/Dove/Nivea), Gilette shaving foam, Boot's cucumber eye make-up removing gel and plenty more and never felt more liberated!
No more Boot's points for Dee Dee! Whoops! But more money to buy beautiful dresses and shoes in Zara instead - yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sublime natural product and has made my life so much easier!

I can't advocate her enough and her tips. Mama's 101 Coconut Benefits - you have to check this out! Amazing facts on this oil.
So I started off by purchasing my Coconut Oil in Holland and Barrett's in Mahon Point for around €25 but can buy at special offers for around €18!
But well worth it as it's a pure brand and I look for glass containers now rather than plastic. You can get cheaper versions in Tesco for around €10/€12 less but the oil is stored in plastic which I'm not a fan due to the BPA risks. BPA Facts Explained
And put your saavy hat on now again and think of the extra benefits of buying this jar - you can re-use it for more storage like i.e. your extra hairspray liquid or food storage! Think outside the box my beauties and you'll reap the rewards.
This is the brand that I go for and it's a good size - this is lasting me a good two months! AND that's with my favourite French man using it for his hair gel! Oh yeah, I am not messing about - I've even converted him to using it!
Hilarious story, his pal stayed over at our place last week and yes my bf likes to take the piss out of me for my new lifestyle but he was actually advocating the coconut oil to his friend! I couldn't believe it - I'm actually making a difference in his lifestyle too and he's seeing the benefits. Wowza.... :D
So he came home one day last week and told me that JB had used the coconut oil and I quote "Yeah he really liked it and he said it wasn't greasy and was very lightweight! And I said yeah man, and there's no chemicals in it!!!" ahahahahahah - they sounded like a pack of woman's knickers but I don't care - they're being healthy yippppppeeeeee.
The reason why I asked him to try the oil on his hair was because I had a quick glance at his L'Oreal Fibre Putty jar and did not like the contents;
Just a few highlighted that are known baddies and the EWG (Environmental Working Group) can back this information up. Anyhow it's just about switching things up where possible and finding out that they work and you're actually saving yourselves money overall and more importantly looking after your bodies.
Area's that I use coconut oil in my daily routine:
- Cooking
- Shaving my legs
- Moisturising my body
- Cleansing my face and eyes to remove make-up
- And just last night Oil-Pulling!
With all the above points, I have thrown out my Bioderma Cleansing Water, body lotions (Cocoa Butter/Dove/Nivea), Gilette shaving foam, Boot's cucumber eye make-up removing gel and plenty more and never felt more liberated!
No more Boot's points for Dee Dee! Whoops! But more money to buy beautiful dresses and shoes in Zara instead - yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sublime natural product and has made my life so much easier!

Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Junk in the trunk
I really want to make sure that you know you're going to be ok when you change your lifestyle and that it's not that bad.
Yes I must admit that giving up my expensive body lotions, throwing out my shampoos and shower gels was a bit strange at the start. But also extremely liberating to know i'm not a marketing sucker any more! whoo hoo!
There are times where I think, jeesh, going green is quite hard and it's just so much easier to go to Tesco rather than a health shop. But in the end it's pretty much the same thing!
When I began my no-shampoo trial, yes it was quite weird at the start not getting a lather with the likes of bread-soda but the results are just as good now. People forget that your body has to adjust to this change but you have to keep motivating yourself and say this isn't about vanity, it's about my health!
Believe me, I don't want a greasy mop of hair on me or smell from not using a big branded deodorant.... it's not like that at all - but people have this preconceived notion that you're not going to be clean enough :) It's
actually the opposite my dear reader - you're going to be clean on the outside but more importantly cleaner on the inside!
Stay tuned because Dee Dee has just bought her very own 50+ non toxic beauty recipes that I will be testing and telling soonies - oh yeah..... I will be updating this bloggy woggy with those suckers as soon as possible. Although sometimes it will be difficult because it's an American book and i'm lil girl in Ireland to find some products but i'll do my best to source for my EMEA readers.
Happy Tuesday and enjoy your evening/morning

Yes I must admit that giving up my expensive body lotions, throwing out my shampoos and shower gels was a bit strange at the start. But also extremely liberating to know i'm not a marketing sucker any more! whoo hoo!
There are times where I think, jeesh, going green is quite hard and it's just so much easier to go to Tesco rather than a health shop. But in the end it's pretty much the same thing!
When I began my no-shampoo trial, yes it was quite weird at the start not getting a lather with the likes of bread-soda but the results are just as good now. People forget that your body has to adjust to this change but you have to keep motivating yourself and say this isn't about vanity, it's about my health!
Believe me, I don't want a greasy mop of hair on me or smell from not using a big branded deodorant.... it's not like that at all - but people have this preconceived notion that you're not going to be clean enough :) It's
actually the opposite my dear reader - you're going to be clean on the outside but more importantly cleaner on the inside!
Stay tuned because Dee Dee has just bought her very own 50+ non toxic beauty recipes that I will be testing and telling soonies - oh yeah..... I will be updating this bloggy woggy with those suckers as soon as possible. Although sometimes it will be difficult because it's an American book and i'm lil girl in Ireland to find some products but i'll do my best to source for my EMEA readers.
Happy Tuesday and enjoy your evening/morning

Wellness Mama! My favourite website right now - amazing tips on healthy living!
Wellness Mama
Thanks to this lovely lady i'm not the proud owner of my own natural hairspray! She has so many amazing tips and would really recommend trying out a few....
Thanks to this lovely lady i'm not the proud owner of my own natural hairspray! She has so many amazing tips and would really recommend trying out a few....
Monday, 7 July 2014
Absolutely amazing App - and it's FREE
So what IS in my make up bag at the moment that have been replaced?
I'll tell you soon what I am using now but first we have more homework to do hee hee! Stay with me friends, it's worth it!
Well after downloading this amazing app called "Think Dirty" (keep it clean people, keep it clean) it shows you the levels of toxicity in most products that are on the market and that I WAS using!
There are three levels the product is evaluated on;
I'll tell you soon what I am using now but first we have more homework to do hee hee! Stay with me friends, it's worth it!
There are three levels the product is evaluated on;
- Carcinogenicity
- Developmental & Reproductive toxicity
- Allergies & Immunotoxicities
Take for example, you type any products name.It then scores that product on whether it's clean or dirty. This product received a 10 which is a highly disconcerting score!
It then has a tab which proves why it's so high outlining the ingredients added to it. You can then click the third tab and Cleaner Options which advises on more cleaner brands out there. Oh and this app isn't any marketing gimmick! This is truly just a guide for you to choose more safer and cleaner products on the market and to educate yourself on ones to avoid. Boom! Just another easy peasy way to look after yourself and your health!
What's in your makeup bag?
Probably the most powerful video that has influenced my decisions on what products I will be using in the future!
Out with the old and in with the New!
My new purchases that arrived today! Yipppppeeeee I'm all set for my holidays in France and my everyday drinking habits!
Facts on suncream: Active ingredients in sunscreens come in two forms, mineral and chemical filters. Each uses a different mechanism for protecting skin and maintaining stability in sunlight. Each may pose hazards to human health.
The most common sunscreens on the market contain chemical filters. These products typically include a combination of two to six of these active ingredients: oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and octinoxate. Mineral sunscreens use zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. A handful of products combine zinc oxide with chemical filters. Facts on suncream
Facts on plastic bottles: The compounds on which most concerns have focused are Bisphenol A (known as BPA), which is used in tough ploycarbonate products and expoy resins that line tin cans, and a group of plasitc softeners called phthalates. Research has shown that these compounds can leach from plastics into the food and drinks that we consume - more so if they are heated to high temperatures (which is why you should NEVER leave your plastic water bottle in your car overnight or in the sun!) raising additional concerns about the kins of plastics that are used in containers in microwave ovens. Furthermore, a landmark report on BPA published in 2008 by the U.S. National Toxicology Program concluded that there were concerns over BPA's effects on the brain, behaviour and prostate gland development in foetuses, infants and children. It also found that because of the ratio of body weight to exposure, "the highest estimated daily intake of Bisphenol A in the general population occurs in infants and children".
I don't want to freak you guys out but I just want to inform you - that's all and I will be a very happy bunny. You can decide if you'd like to remain buying your normal products and keep ignoring the facts or just think outside of the box and get creative!
Think of all those jam bars and salad dressing glass bottles that you use and throw out!! Do NOT throw them out! Keep them and use them for storage. You can be very saavy when it comes to knowing what's good and what's bad and really recycling everyday things to make it work for you.
Facts on suncream: Active ingredients in sunscreens come in two forms, mineral and chemical filters. Each uses a different mechanism for protecting skin and maintaining stability in sunlight. Each may pose hazards to human health.
The most common sunscreens on the market contain chemical filters. These products typically include a combination of two to six of these active ingredients: oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and octinoxate. Mineral sunscreens use zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide. A handful of products combine zinc oxide with chemical filters. Facts on suncream
Facts on plastic bottles: The compounds on which most concerns have focused are Bisphenol A (known as BPA), which is used in tough ploycarbonate products and expoy resins that line tin cans, and a group of plasitc softeners called phthalates. Research has shown that these compounds can leach from plastics into the food and drinks that we consume - more so if they are heated to high temperatures (which is why you should NEVER leave your plastic water bottle in your car overnight or in the sun!) raising additional concerns about the kins of plastics that are used in containers in microwave ovens. Furthermore, a landmark report on BPA published in 2008 by the U.S. National Toxicology Program concluded that there were concerns over BPA's effects on the brain, behaviour and prostate gland development in foetuses, infants and children. It also found that because of the ratio of body weight to exposure, "the highest estimated daily intake of Bisphenol A in the general population occurs in infants and children".
I don't want to freak you guys out but I just want to inform you - that's all and I will be a very happy bunny. You can decide if you'd like to remain buying your normal products and keep ignoring the facts or just think outside of the box and get creative!
Think of all those jam bars and salad dressing glass bottles that you use and throw out!! Do NOT throw them out! Keep them and use them for storage. You can be very saavy when it comes to knowing what's good and what's bad and really recycling everyday things to make it work for you.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Introduction to Dee Dee
Hi everyone,
This is the first time I've done something like this and I'm loving it already. I like to give my friends, boyfriend (much to his annoyance : p ) and family some cool advice and tips on everyday tasks so I just said why not spread the love and show you lovely lot a piece of me!
Trying to be healthy can be just soooooooooo draining sometimes because it's the type of fear that an artist gets - BLANK canvass and where do you begin. Well that's where I come in to help.
I'd like to advise you all and to show you that it's really not that hard nor expensive to stay healthy but mainly aware of what you put on or in your body.
Recently, I read an article in the Irish Examiner (local newspaper) about this new campaign called No'Poo - basically giving up shampoo! Irish Examiner article
Reason being there are a lot of harmful chemicals in it and going without it can actually make your hair look better!! After a month of my no-shampoo period, I've decided to switch things up in the rest of my bathroom cabinet..... And here I am, giving you some advice for look after yourself and your health and still looking after your image.
I think it's sprung from my family too who would be very health conscious. My momma has always been very wary of lotions and fake tans out and has always in a real country accent said " Don't be putting any of that tack on your body! God only know's what you're putting into it and the affects it can have on it!".
And so it's begun - an new natural Dee and also a very positive Dee to know that I'm taking care of myself more, cos God knows I haven't been doing that in years gone by!
I also like to cook a lot and really love healthy food, but mainly tasty, healthy food! That's super important to me as I don't like eating 1. Food that is as dry as Gandie's flipflop 2. That taste like Gandie's flipflop. So i'm all about sharing ideas on salads who can be quite hard to perfect and yummy healthy soups and dinner ideas. So hope you like my ideas and please leave me some feedback if you have tried any of them!
This is the first time I've done something like this and I'm loving it already. I like to give my friends, boyfriend (much to his annoyance : p ) and family some cool advice and tips on everyday tasks so I just said why not spread the love and show you lovely lot a piece of me!
Trying to be healthy can be just soooooooooo draining sometimes because it's the type of fear that an artist gets - BLANK canvass and where do you begin. Well that's where I come in to help.
I'd like to advise you all and to show you that it's really not that hard nor expensive to stay healthy but mainly aware of what you put on or in your body.
Recently, I read an article in the Irish Examiner (local newspaper) about this new campaign called No'Poo - basically giving up shampoo! Irish Examiner article
Reason being there are a lot of harmful chemicals in it and going without it can actually make your hair look better!! After a month of my no-shampoo period, I've decided to switch things up in the rest of my bathroom cabinet..... And here I am, giving you some advice for look after yourself and your health and still looking after your image.
I think it's sprung from my family too who would be very health conscious. My momma has always been very wary of lotions and fake tans out and has always in a real country accent said " Don't be putting any of that tack on your body! God only know's what you're putting into it and the affects it can have on it!".
And so it's begun - an new natural Dee and also a very positive Dee to know that I'm taking care of myself more, cos God knows I haven't been doing that in years gone by!
I also like to cook a lot and really love healthy food, but mainly tasty, healthy food! That's super important to me as I don't like eating 1. Food that is as dry as Gandie's flipflop 2. That taste like Gandie's flipflop. So i'm all about sharing ideas on salads who can be quite hard to perfect and yummy healthy soups and dinner ideas. So hope you like my ideas and please leave me some feedback if you have tried any of them!
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