Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Soap Nuts - My new natural way of clothes washing

I have recently thrown out all of my washing detergent to be replaced with soaps nuts. These originate from Nepal and India and have saved me a lot of money, along with losing the nasty chemicals from mainstream detergents!

Soap nuts are found in both the eastern and western hemispheres, but are native to India and Nepal. They have recently become a popular environmentally friendly alternative to chemical detergent, and are a gentle option for those with allergies to chemicals in regular detergents. They have traditionally been used as an expectorant, and in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for eczema and psoriasis. Soap nuts contain saponin, a natural detergent. The soap nut shell absorbs water and releases the saponins which circulate as a natural surfactant in the wash water, freeing dirt, grime, and oils from clothing.

These were recommend to me by Wellness Mama and i haven't looked back since.

When washing a heavy load (which let's face it always is), put around five to six soap nuts into the muslin bag and pop it into the load.
That batch of nuts can be reused for four or five washes after the first load which is why they are so economical. You will know when to use fresh ones when the nuts go a lighter color.

Extra Tip: Hold onto your old soap nuts and you can make a hand-wash out of these!

I like to add in a little bit of essential oil, like Eucalyptus and Lemon oil with my washes in replacement of the fabric softeners - they give a lovely sent to the wash.

Fact: Lemon essential oil is very good for removing stains - just rub it onto the stain before the wash.
Fact: Eucalyptus oil acts as an antibacterial agent and is very good when washing your towels or tea-towels!

Where to buy these soap nuts?

I purchased my 1Kg bag off this Irish website called Purchase.ie for €12.95 and it's still going strong!
Two muslins bags come with this purchase.


Now I have just come across this tip from this website which I will be trying;

I find the best way to use the soapnuts is to make up a liquid detergent. 1 handful in a litre of water, and boil for 10 mins (or just leave on the stove overnight) It has to be stored in the fridge. I then use this as laundry and dishwashing detergent. I bag of nuts lasts me  for 6 months. Massive savings and eco too 

Happy saving and washing!

Natural Eye Cream

I'm back from a little sabbatical (I'm was researching!!!) and I've found a great way to make your very own eye cream.

Simple out - give it a go!

I would recommend using an old lip balm container to store - I have an old Burt Bees' which I'm going to use;

  • 1/2 cup Organic coconut oil (Coconut Oil acts as a moisturizer, antibiotic, multivitamin, multi-nutrient and antioxidant.)
  • 6-8 Vitamin E capsules (Vitamin E Oil is a strong antioxidant that prevents premature aging and promotes healing.)
  • Pin to poke holes in Vitamin E capsules
  • Small microwavable bowl for microwaving or small sauce pan for melting on stovetop
  • Small container (to store cream in)
Happy DIYing! 
